Frequent questions

when will i receive my order?

Once the order leaves us and is delivered to the courier, it usually takes 48 hours to reach its destination. But this time can depend on a number of factors, which are beyond our control.

how will i know that you sent my order?

We will send you an email with the courier shipping code, as soon as the order leaves us

I made a mistake in my order ...

If you find any errors in the items you ordered, or in the information you provided to us, please contact us as soon as possible, so that we can correct them before sending your order.

how can i pay?

For the convenience and service of all those who wish to buy from our store, has the following alternative payment methods:

  • Through credit , debt and prepaid Visa, Mastercard, Maestro cards
  • With pay on delivery the moment you receive the products.
  • With deposit in a bank account
  • On the spot, at store us

Are Card payments Safe?

For maximum security in your online transactions, we cooperate with Piraeus Bank.

They take all possible measures to shield the security of your data when you make your transactions with the systems of T Piraeus Bank . They implement modern security protocols and develop state-of-the-art technologies to secure your transactions online, by phone and with your cards.

Your electronic transaction data is transferred with TLS protocol at 256bit. We protect our databases with advanced Firewall and online authentication technologies.

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In the city of Lamia


100% secure payments

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